Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Meaning and Definition of Love

Meaning of Love

Love is a kind of appeal to the person of opposite sex (in most of the cases) whom you want to make your life partner and further your life with. In other words, it is the attraction and devotion towards someone with whom you want to establish a romantic relationship. A romantic relationship is based upon sharing your love and your emotions (or feelings) with your lover.

Definitions of Love

Various scholars have defined love in their own ways. In fact, even you can make your own definition of love based upon your thoughts and reasoning. However, for the purpose of this syllabus, and to make a basis for your understanding, we take the following two definitions of love:

Love is much more than attraction. It is in fact, a kind of addiction towards the person whom you love.”Arjun Chapagain.

Love is one of the two bases of establishing marital relationship, in which the people choose their partners themselves. The ultimate goal of love is marriage. And the “love marriage” contrasts with the arranged marriage, in which partners are sought by the families of the couples.” – Nirmaya Poudel.

If you have any other definitions (your own or from anywhere else*) of love please share them with us in the comments below.

* NOTE: When you post other's definition please refer to the original author as well.

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