Thursday, May 10, 2012

Limitations of Love Education

Every discipline in this world has their limitations. Love Education is no exception. The sources of the limitation of love education come from the fact that it is a very new discipline, which is not yet fully developed.

The limitations of love education can be explained by the following points:

Impracticability of Scientific Research

Since human behavior differ from person to person and from situation to situation, it is difficult to perform scientific experiments upon the people and their activities. Since love is also one of their activities, it faces similar hurdles in designing and testing out an experiment. As a result, a universal conclusion cannot be drawn in this context. However, some social sciences will provide some base to perform research upon this challenging topic.

Lack of adequate literature

Love education comes with only one book up to now. There are no new literatures on this subject, whatsoever. Since this discipline is still in its infant stage, the lack of adequate literature can hinder or at least disappoint the prospective researchers in the field. But we assume that, as time passes, this demerit would soon erode as new researchers emerge and contribute to the literature of Love education.

Lack of Adequate Students

Since this is a new topic I am assuming that there will be lack of adequate number of students to study this subject seriously. It will further lead to fewer researches and fewer literatures. Hence, this limitation can have negative long term impact. Despite all pessimisms, I am optimistic that this subject will be welcomed by good number of students or enthusiastic readers that it will motivate me to keep going on with my own efforts of contributing to this newfound knowledge about love.

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