Friday, May 18, 2012

Four myths related to True Love

Myths are those beliefs which are different from reality. Such myths exist in almost all the controversial topics. Since, true love is not an exception, there are many myths regarding this topic.

Myths take over your mind and make you incapable to discern fact from fiction, reality from idealism and truth from falsehood. Therefore, in some way, myths are harmful. Hence, we should free ourselves from such myths. We should be open to reality and new knowledge as the world moves along the dimensions of time and space bringing change to this world.

1. True Love is totally free from selfishness
People generally seem to have this view to demonstrate that their love is as pure as 24 karat gold. However, true love isn’t that selfless because no human can remain selfless and totally unbiased. But that degree of selflessness isn’t required for a love relationship to become a true love. Since both partners have certain expectations from each other, selfish desires are balanced sometimes and sometimes they are achieved jointly. Therefore, true love isn’t totally free from selfishness.

2. True love is all about sacrifice
If you think true love is all about sacrifice then why should you love someone? If you can sacrifice, for example, your family for your partner, what evidence is there that you won’t sacrifice your partner for someone else some day? Therefore, sacrificing is nonsense in relation to true love.

3. True love is rare
Many people believe in this myth innocently. However, this is not true. Many people still engage in fair love and most of them successfully convert their relationship into a marriage. Although everyone might not be equally committed towards their partner, their love is real. However, some relationships break, despite both its partner were engaging in true love. Why? The reason is that they undermine their relationship on small personal matters. Adjusting with a partner requires adaptation ability in the people. If the partners cannot adapt with each other’s personal and cultural differences, then such relationships tend to break-up even if their intention is not to do so.

4. Sex is absent in true love
Well, although many people have this concept, I simply don't believe in it. And guys, believe me this is just a myth. Period.

If there are any more myths you know about, which I have not mentioned above, then please leave them in the comments below.

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