Sunday, May 27, 2012

Things to consider for lovers

The things lovers should consider range from minute things to the important events of life such as marriage and career. If such things are not carefully thought out and planned by the lovers then their life will meet an accident soon.

Also the lovers have a false concept that only love is important in their life. While this idea is agreed by the lovers, it is too far-fetched to resemble the reality. We cannot eat love, wear love and live in love. In order to survive, our basic needs should be fulfilled. Moreover, lovers have great demands from their partner and without a decent job such demands cannot be fulfilled. Therefore, the lovers should consider other things as well in order to make their love life successful.

1. Marriage
Lovers should carefully think about their marriage. They should, in fact, plan when to marry and how to marry. They themselves should consider if their families will accept their marriage or not and make a strategy either to convince them or to marry themselves. If the lovers don't plan about their marriage, then they might have to face queries and opposition from their families. So, it is crucial to think about marriage and plan it.

2. Career
Love and career are the two sides of the same coin, i.e, two important aspects of a same person's life. Therefore, when one side is advanced the other one should not be left behind. What I mean is when you further your love life you should not sacrifice your career for it. Well, you can change your career but don't abandon it altogether. When talking about love many people mention the importance of sacrifice. In most of the cases, this is true for trivial things such as your cartoon-watching hobby or your hobby to play computer games whenever you get leisure. You must sacrifice some time from your hobbies to discharge the newly added responsibilities. However, don't give up career. You may freely adjust it to match it with your partner's career. However, just don't give it up completely.

Not only you mustn't give it up, you should allocate sufficient time to build it up. Some kind of commitment is necessary to achieve success in your career life. So, stay committed to both love life and your career. Don't undervalue one for another because both are equally important. Career is important because it is the basis to fulfill our rudimentary needs as well our wants.

3. Social Life
You should contemplate how your social life could be influenced by your marriage and love life. Some couples try to marry out of socially accepted norms and practices. At the point when you are trying to outwit the social values, you may think that you could survive comfortably even after being an outcast. However, never forget that when you give birth to your children you'll need relatives and especially grandparents to socialize them. Otherwise, they will have various psychological problems.

Since man is a social being, society is essential to full his social needs such as the need for recognition, prestige, social security (the feeling of being secured as a part of a society), social acceptance, etc. Therefore, you should consider the importance of society rather than being carried away by individualistic mentality.

In conclusion, lovers should carefully consider the pros and cons of each decision they make and move ahead carefully. Such carefulness will not only lead to success in love but also help to gain respect and acceptance in the society.

Monday, May 21, 2012

True Love: A Case Study

True love stands out because true love is exceptional. True lovers are great persons because they have everything to accommodate and adjust with the needs and wants of each other. It is difficult but not impossible to find such love stories. Here is the commentary of my encounter of true love.

One of my friends and his girlfriend are in true love with each other, both-sided. Their love life is extraordinary. They could talk in many different languages: in their mother tongue i.e. Nepali, English, and their body language. I used to get amazed when I used to see them communicating from a distance with the help of eye, mouth and so on without producing a single sound. So, I used to think that the frequency at which their brains operate is same. Hence, both could communicate and understand each other from a distance. I would definitely call this love, a true one.

Moreover, their love didn’t involve excessive entertainment that most of the couples in love wish to engage in such as going to the cinema, restaurants, dance clubs, excursions, shopping and so on. So, their love was almost pure love or true love. While there is no harm in wanting to engage in such entertainment related activities, giving them the priority over your needs, and sometimes financial capabilities can lead to accidents in love relationship. In this world, where nothing is free, you should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Indulging yourself in entertaining activities can prevent you from preparing for future career as well as uncertainties (or unexpected consequences). Thus, when you run into problem later you might have to face unanticipated difficulties and hurdles. That’s the time when your beloved one may leave you to find another partner because there’s nothing left with you now except problems and sorrows. If such incident would really happen then, you would regret for not preparing for this time. If your partner leaves you just because you can’t accompany him/her to enjoy the present moment, then it’s a proof that your partner wasn’t committed to you at all.

Therefore, the abstinence from entertainment is not in itself a signal of true love. But the dedication towards a better tomorrow at the cost of today’s enjoyment is definitely a sign of a long term commitment. Love stories should be sustainable, like the economies, to remain alive, forever.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Four myths related to True Love

Myths are those beliefs which are different from reality. Such myths exist in almost all the controversial topics. Since, true love is not an exception, there are many myths regarding this topic.

Myths take over your mind and make you incapable to discern fact from fiction, reality from idealism and truth from falsehood. Therefore, in some way, myths are harmful. Hence, we should free ourselves from such myths. We should be open to reality and new knowledge as the world moves along the dimensions of time and space bringing change to this world.

1. True Love is totally free from selfishness
People generally seem to have this view to demonstrate that their love is as pure as 24 karat gold. However, true love isn’t that selfless because no human can remain selfless and totally unbiased. But that degree of selflessness isn’t required for a love relationship to become a true love. Since both partners have certain expectations from each other, selfish desires are balanced sometimes and sometimes they are achieved jointly. Therefore, true love isn’t totally free from selfishness.

2. True love is all about sacrifice
If you think true love is all about sacrifice then why should you love someone? If you can sacrifice, for example, your family for your partner, what evidence is there that you won’t sacrifice your partner for someone else some day? Therefore, sacrificing is nonsense in relation to true love.

3. True love is rare
Many people believe in this myth innocently. However, this is not true. Many people still engage in fair love and most of them successfully convert their relationship into a marriage. Although everyone might not be equally committed towards their partner, their love is real. However, some relationships break, despite both its partner were engaging in true love. Why? The reason is that they undermine their relationship on small personal matters. Adjusting with a partner requires adaptation ability in the people. If the partners cannot adapt with each other’s personal and cultural differences, then such relationships tend to break-up even if their intention is not to do so.

4. Sex is absent in true love
Well, although many people have this concept, I simply don't believe in it. And guys, believe me this is just a myth. Period.

If there are any more myths you know about, which I have not mentioned above, then please leave them in the comments below.

Since education is a continuous and cumulative process, your learning becomes more effective through regular discussions. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to give your opinions in the comments below and engage in the discussion with the people all over this world! Oh people, it's so interesting to talk to the strangers!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Introduction to True Love

To understand what “true love” means, it is necessary to understand what “false love” means. So, to have some idea about false love, let us first seek the answer to the question, “Who engages in false love?” Just imagine (I'm asking you to imagine), who would like to engage in false love?

It is well known that people are selfish by nature. One way to define false love is to state it as the love relationship which is initiated to satisfy someone’s mere selfish desires which may even be detrimental (harmful) to their partner. Such love can be initiated by either parties, male or female, and for a number of reasons. Females can initiate it to enjoy the external life such as going on outing, visiting different places, going to the restaurants, shopping centers, and cinemas, preferably at the expense of her boyfriend’s money. Money is not the only target as some girls might have money but not a companion to enjoy external life. Either kinds of girls can begin a love relationship with a boy to meet their short-term purpose.

Similarly, males can also lure girls for money, especially if the girl’s parents are immensely rich; however, more practically boys might want to attract a girl to have sex. Apart from this reason they might begin a false love relation with a girl to learn her nature, or to just demonstrate their mates that they have a girlfriend. Similarly, there can be many psychological reasons, either known or unknown, for the people to engage in false love. Whatever the reasons be, false love is selfish in nature and it harms both the parties eventually.

You might be wondering how it harms both parties. First of all, their time will be wasted. However, this might not be the problem for them because their intention might be to kill time by doing one thing or the other. However, doing wrong things to kill time is certainly hazardous as it can lead to catching communicable as well as non-communicable diseases. (OMG! Not to mention the STDs!!)

Doing anything that exceeds our limit (capacity) is dangerous. Whether it is taking drugs, drinking or smoking, all these kinds of activities kill our precious time in a very short period of time such that killing time becomes unnecessary to us. Instead time will kill us as an avenge!

So, now let us define true love. True love is the opposite of false love. So, if there is high selfishness in false love then there is low level of selfishness in true love. Similarly, if false love means lack of dedication, then true love should mean high dedication towards the partner. Again, if there is no commitment in false love, then there is sincere commitment in true love.

Similarly, while false love is harmful, true love is quite helpful for both lovers. It can become a ladder to achieve success for both of them as they both can motivate each other to reach their aims. Thus, true love can directly help couples to become successful. Similarly, understanding and commitment between the lovers, keeps their social life healthy, thus the chances of mental stress are slim. Therefore, true love is very beneficial to both parties and hence, we encourage everyone to establish true love.


Now here's something interesting. I got an SMS from an unknown number (I mean I didn't know the sender and hence I didn't reply back). The SMS read like this:

"True Love is forever love; a love that never ends, as two hearts grow together as lover, partners and friends." - Unknown (Disclaimer: Edited for clarity.)

This is, I think, the real definition of True Love!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Chapter 2 - Concept of True Love

The second chapter will orient you about true love, myths of true love, things that the lovers should consider during their love life and so on.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this chapter, you should be able to reflect on the following aspects:
  • the meaning and the definition of true love.
  • how true love differs from false love.
  • what are the myths associated with true love.
  • an example of true lovers.
  • things to be kept in mind by the lovers for a sustainable and long term love relationship.

Curriculum Components

The following topics will be studied under the first chapter, as per the syllabus endorsed by the Boston Love University:
a. Introduction to True Love
b. Four myths related to True Love
c. True Love: A Case Study
d. Things to consider for lovers
e. True Love in Conclusion

Student Guidelines 

Study the curriculum components seriously. This chapter is concerned about true love. So, it is a good idea for you to study or learn about the successful love stories that you find in your neighborhood. For example, if there are any love couples which have been together for many years and are still happy you should consider meeting them and learning from them, what their secret is.

Also you may equally see people falling in love just to have some temporary benefits such as having sex, entertainment or so on. You might also visit such couples and ask them how each of them had made up to each other to commit for that short term relationship. What is their long term vision and how are they moving on with their life. Such knowledge might help you find the answers to many questions you may have regarding the people falling in casual love.

However, I would like to warn you that you shouldn't try to ask every details with them. It's always better to ask for them in a roundabout way, so that they won't be able to lie you. For example, if you ask someone, how much do you earn, probably s/he will lie you. However, if you ask her how much s/he spends on various things, and note down all that. At last you can ask how much s/he saves and finally you'll have a more precise answer about how much s/he earns.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Limitations of Love Education

Every discipline in this world has their limitations. Love Education is no exception. The sources of the limitation of love education come from the fact that it is a very new discipline, which is not yet fully developed.

The limitations of love education can be explained by the following points:

Impracticability of Scientific Research

Since human behavior differ from person to person and from situation to situation, it is difficult to perform scientific experiments upon the people and their activities. Since love is also one of their activities, it faces similar hurdles in designing and testing out an experiment. As a result, a universal conclusion cannot be drawn in this context. However, some social sciences will provide some base to perform research upon this challenging topic.

Lack of adequate literature

Love education comes with only one book up to now. There are no new literatures on this subject, whatsoever. Since this discipline is still in its infant stage, the lack of adequate literature can hinder or at least disappoint the prospective researchers in the field. But we assume that, as time passes, this demerit would soon erode as new researchers emerge and contribute to the literature of Love education.

Lack of Adequate Students

Since this is a new topic I am assuming that there will be lack of adequate number of students to study this subject seriously. It will further lead to fewer researches and fewer literatures. Hence, this limitation can have negative long term impact. Despite all pessimisms, I am optimistic that this subject will be welcomed by good number of students or enthusiastic readers that it will motivate me to keep going on with my own efforts of contributing to this newfound knowledge about love.

Nature and Scope of Love Education

If we compare love education with other disciplines, we can easily know that love education is a very young discipline which has a very short history. We can even claim that it is the youngest discipline of all! However, we should bear in mind that love education will not remain as the youngest discipline forever as the newer disciplines will come to take its place soon in the future which is a normal process.

Apart from being a young discipline, love education is a new concept as well. Previously, almost no one has pursued love education as seriously and as significantly as we have been doing. Therefore, this book will be the pioneer and the most elaborate one in its field. (Oh my God, I am excited to be regarded as the founding father of this new discipline! :D It’s okay for me because someone would have to propound this new discipline anyway. What’s wrong or abnormal if I did it?)

Since love education is a new discipline, you may have many questions regarding its application areas and scope. Well, to be candidly honest, I can’t guarantee you anything after you complete the Bachelors of Love (BOL) and Masters of Love (MOL) degrees: A certificate, a job, a girlfriend (I mean lover), or anything. However, I can say confidently that there are many prospects for you. For example, you can self-employ yourself as a love consultant providing love counseling services to your clients (and make money!). After having deeper understanding about how the chemistry of love works, you can improve your own love relationship also. Moreover, you will be able to make it clear to people, especially your friends, relatives and anyone you know, about what causes misunderstanding in love and how such misunderstandings can be solved.

Even though there isn’t any guarantee of any kind there are prospects and dreams for you to imagine, to kick-start learning Love Education through our Bachelors of Love Degree and to become an understanding and sociable person.

So, what are you thinking guys and gals? Let’s all take this wonderful course and be a seasoned player at love. Your love journey will be more exciting after you take the journey of love education! We can at least promise you that.

Concept of Love Education

Needless to say, many people fall in love. However, the tragedy is that, sooner or later, most of the love relationships end breaking-up. Only a few of the love stories survive to convert their relationship into marriage and lead a successful married life. Such love stories become a rare legend.

What is the reason behind this extremely high rate of failure in love? There must be some reason. There must be some kind of discrepancies in either of the partners that leads to their failure. There must be some barrier between them that resulted in their break-up. What is that thing, which is leading to such an abnormally high rate of break-up? To take on these questions, perform research and critical study of the phenomena that cause break-up and shed light upon these matters, the discipline of Love Education has emerged.

This discipline is aimed to increase the understanding among the love partners and thus, increase the rate of success in the field of love relationships. When describing success, however, we should not be too mean. A mutual break-up, between the partners, after concluding that they are not made for each other and therefore terminating their love relationship but continuing their friendship as before, can be termed as a success. That's a success because the partners left each other for each other's betterment but through mutual understanding, thus eliminating all the bitter feelings for each other.

Similarly, many people, even those who haven’t fallen in love, have various misconceptions and doubts (myths) regarding love. Love education aims to approach this issue as well and provide insight about what love is and what love isn’t. Therefore, love education will provide light, sight and insight upon the matters of love and thus help people to improve their love life.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Meaning and Definition of Love

Meaning of Love

Love is a kind of appeal to the person of opposite sex (in most of the cases) whom you want to make your life partner and further your life with. In other words, it is the attraction and devotion towards someone with whom you want to establish a romantic relationship. A romantic relationship is based upon sharing your love and your emotions (or feelings) with your lover.

Definitions of Love

Various scholars have defined love in their own ways. In fact, even you can make your own definition of love based upon your thoughts and reasoning. However, for the purpose of this syllabus, and to make a basis for your understanding, we take the following two definitions of love:

Love is much more than attraction. It is in fact, a kind of addiction towards the person whom you love.”Arjun Chapagain.

Love is one of the two bases of establishing marital relationship, in which the people choose their partners themselves. The ultimate goal of love is marriage. And the “love marriage” contrasts with the arranged marriage, in which partners are sought by the families of the couples.” – Nirmaya Poudel.

If you have any other definitions (your own or from anywhere else*) of love please share them with us in the comments below.

* NOTE: When you post other's definition please refer to the original author as well.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Love Education

The first chapter will introduce you to the various aspects of Love Education such as its concept, nature and scope and its limitation.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this chapter, you should know the following things:
  • the meaning and the definition of love.
  • the reason behind the evolution of love education and its main objective.
  • the nature and the application areas of love education.
  • the practical difficulties to study love education.

Curriculum Components

The following topics will be studied under the first chapter, as per the syllabus endorsed by the Boston Love University:
a. Meaning and Definition of Love
b. Concept of Love Education
c. Nature and Scope of Love Education
d. Limitation of Love Education

Student Guidelines 

Study the curriculum components seriously. Also refer to the external books such as the literature on love stories written from the times of William Shakespeare. These kind of books will orient you with the various aspects of love.

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