Thursday, June 7, 2012

Introduction to Love Letters

Love letters are the means of communicating your love message to the person you like. This method is in use since the people developed scripts and learnt to read and write. Therefore, it is one of the most primitive medium of making love proposals. Usually the reply to the love proposal letter consists of the reply of the acceptance or the rejection of the love proposal. However, sometimes more information might be sought and the other party might want to learn more about you before either accepting or rejecting your proposal.

Apart from the love proposal letters other forms of love letters are exchanged between the lovers. Such letters consist of well wishing and sharing of experiences, feelings and so on with each other. Such letters also hold due importance in love relationship, especially after both parties agree to be in the relationship, as these letters help to foster and deepen the relation between the lovers.

Some lovers are straightforward and might directly communicate verbally. However, some might be shy to communicate face to face to each other. Generally, only few lovers go through this phase and for a short time. This time is perhaps the most exciting time as there is excitement in every activity they initiate for each other. However, as the partners start getting on with each other, the boundary between them narrows down and they soon become able to communicate frankly and spontaneously with each other.

Yet, in many cases oral or verbal communication might not serve the purpose. Imagine that the lovers are physically far away from each other for various reasons. In such a case, written medium becomes the cheapest and the most convenient medium to communicate with each other as it can be sent through email. Therefore, writing love letters is very important. And since love relationship strengthens more and more with the sharing of each other’s feelings and emotions, communication is vital for the love peers. Love letters, being the most feasible, fast, reliable, and cheap medium, are very effective for the couples to be in touch with each other.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

True Love in Conclusion

In conclusion, true love is a matter of serious debate and different people have different opinions based on their knowledge, experience and thoughts. Moreover, new definitions, which are acceptable to many people, are yet to come, as you know already that our love education is a new discipline. True love is that in which you don’t expect too much from your partner because you know that the materialistic fulfillment isn’t the only way towards happiness and enjoyment. There are many other aspects in life which can be given due importance to make your life beautiful rather than seeking pleasure in every physical object you see. True lovers understand the key essence of life.

The physical enjoyments are almost optional. Being with each other forever is their major concern no matter what happens to the world outside. Such love relationship is based upon trust and sincerity.
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